January 2020 Update
2019 has been described by many Haitians as the worst year they can ever remember. It was a year without hope. The civil unrest that escalated into a civil war, literally brought the country to a standstill due to rioting and road blocks, gang wars and murders. Schools and clinics closed, the cost of gas and food, if you could get them, were astronomical. And here we were, all packed to go with suitcases full of medicine. I planned and attempted to take a team down 4 different times, but our way was blocked each time. I truly had to learn what God meant when He said in Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
We may not have been able to bring aid to the Haitians in person, but thanks to all who donated, we were able to send $15,500 to them for food and gas in 2019! Thank you! What a blessing this was to the people to help carry them through the crisis. The roads have opened up and schools are back in session now. Everything is still expensive, but more available now. We will continue to send money as God provides.
Now that we are able to communicate again with Pastor Bastia in Caneille, we will get back to work on the clinic. We will start with tiling and painting, then put in the septic system. There is a team hoping to go down in March to complete the electrical work. And I am praying about taking a medical team in April. We'll see what God wills.
We have raised enough money through jewelry parties and the Christmas Boutique to be able to purchase a portable ultrasound machine! This is so exciting and will literally change how we are able to diagnose some of our patients. Praise God!
As always, CHMM is so grateful for your prayers and financial support. The clinic would not be there if it weren't for you! If you are interested in going with us to Haiti April 3-11 please send me a quick note (Caneille.Haiti@gmail.com) and I'll give you more details.
